Tuesday, September 9, 2008

True Bloody Jurl

HBO has gone vampy. Together with writer/director Alan Ball (American Beauty, Six Feet Under) they are turning the Southern Vampire Mystery book series by Charlaine Harris into a television series, True Blood. The first episode aired this past Sunday and, of course, I tuned in.

Gotta say I loved it. I even loved the hour long vampire history HBO showed beforehand with directors, writers, professors, and weirdos commenting on our historic love affair with the sexy vamp.

The show opens with the world trying to live alongside recently out-of-the-coffin vampires who now want to be everyday citizens thanks to the discovery of synthetic blood. Of course, there are humans that are prejudiced against vampires so there's some social tension. Sookie is a mind-reading waitress living in a small Louisiana town where mysterious murders began to take place about the same time a mysterious vampire shows-up. Sookie has the hots for the vampire, but her pushy friends are against the relationship (especially her boss because he has the hots for Sookie).

I don't want to give much more away because you should watch this show. It's good and will only get better. If you loved Six Feet Under, but don't love vampires (though, I don't understand that) then you should still give it a chance because it's not as full of vampire stuff as it is the kooky characters that Alan Ball does so well.

Also, check out all the fake websites and news blurbs on HBO.com.

Go vampy.


Bobono said...

Hi Jurl,
As much as I love me some sweet vamps, I have fought against the desire to purchase HBO for years. I actually watched all the Sex in the City shows in one short month on DVD just two years ago. So, I'll have to hope that the show does well and catch it all on the flip side!

Misti D. Mosteller said...

bobono- Jurl! How do you live without HBO??? It's so awesome. Never fear, I watch many, many shows, most of which are not on HBO so we're bound to share some viewing pleasure. BTW, almost done with the latest Anita Blake novel. This may really be my last one. Nothing seems to happen, just sex, sex, sex. If I wanted sex, sex, sex, I could have it anytime, for free!